Cell Phone Policy
2024-2025 CEW South Cell Phone Policy
- Cell phones and other devices* must be off and out of sight during school hours until dismissal.
- Homeroom teachers will have lock boxes where students are strongly encouraged to turn in their devices until dismissal.
- Cell phones will not be permitted during lunch/recess.
*This includes smart devices and listening devices such as headphones, earbuds, etc.
2024-2025 CEW South Cell Phone Violation Consequences
- 1st Offense: Phone confiscated, returned at the end of the day.
- 2nd Offense: Phone confiscated, returned at the end of the day, parent contacted.
- 3rd Offense: Phone confiscated, returned at the end of the day, parent contacted (next offense, parent will be required to pick up the phone - referral for cell phone violation).
- 4th Offense: Phone confiscated, returned to parent (conference held, review next steps with parent/student, referral for cell phone violation).
- 5th Offense: Phone confiscated, returned to parent (conference held, referral for cell phone violation, student placed on school probation, next referral will be for RTO).